Edlington Victoria Academy and HRH Princess Anne celebrate 50 years of the Spinal Injuries Association

Over the past year, Edlington Victoria Academy have been working with Brian Abram - the author of a set of children’s books called “The Adventures of Grandad Wheels. After a serious cycling accident in 2013, Brian was left paraplegic and a full-time wheelchair user.  A few years ago, he started writing stories to amuse his grandson, Charles and now there are six stories in the series, 'The Adventures of Grandad Wheels!'. 

Brian has been into the school to talk to pupils about living with disability as well as his writing. All proceeds from his books and school visits go to the Spinal Injuries Association (SIA). He selected Edlington Victoria Academy to launch a poster competition to design the world's fastest wheelchair in order to celebrate SIA's 50th anniversary - for which HRH Princess Anne is a patron. 

Zinnia Amaefule, aged 9, won the competition and was invited to the SIA head office in Milton Keynes to meet HRH Princess Anne and join the 50th anniversary celebrations. Principal Emily Clark, Brian, Zinnia and her mum Edith attended the event. Zinna was in awe of the day and her mum has stated that she's so proud of her and that it is one that she will never forget. 

Principal Emily Clark said "We are incredibly proud of Zinnia and the creativity she demonstrated in the competition. Having the opportunity to meet HRH Princess Anne and take part in the 50th anniversary celebrations of the Spinal Injuries Association is something Zinnia and our school community will remember for a long time. Working with Brian has been inspiring for our students, helping them learn not just about creativity and storytelling, but also about resilience and the importance of supporting vital causes like SIA”.