
Proposed Exceed Learning Partnership Admission Arrangements 2026/2027

Open from Friday 25th October 2024 and Closes 5pm Friday 24th January 2025


In accordance with the DfE’s 2021 statutory ‘School Admissions Code’ guidance, as the Admissions Authority, the Trust must consult on its Academies' admission arrangements when changes are proposed, and at least once every seven years. For this reason, a consultation is currently being held to meet the Trusts statutory duty.

Exceed Learning Partnership is committed to providing an excellent education for all children and young people within our community. As part of this commitment, we are conducting an open consultation on our proposed admission arrangements for the academic year 2026/27. This consultation gives parents, carers, staff, and the wider community the opportunity to provide feedback on the proposed arrangements before they are finalised.

This consultation applies to the following academies within the Exceed Learning Partnership Trust:

  • Bentley High Street Primary School
  • Carr Lodge Academy
  • Edlington Victoria Academy
  • Hall Cross Academy
  • Hill Top Academy
  • Rosedale Primary School
  • Sandringham Primary School
  • Sheep Dip Lane Academy
  • The Mallard Academy * joining Exceed Learning Partnership on 1st January 2025
  • Willow Primary School  

The consultation is broken down into three areas:

  • Proposed Admissions Arrangements for all Primary Academies
  • Proposed Admissions Arrangements for the Secondary Academy
  • Proposed Admissions Arrangements for Nursery Admissions within Primary Academies (excluding Willow Primary School)

Please click on each link to access information about proposed admissions arrangements. 

How to Participate in this Consultation

We are inviting stakeholders and members of the local community to respond to our consultation.  These are namely, but not limited to:

  • Parents and Carers at each Academy
  • Members of Staff at each Academy 
  • Governors and Directors
  • The Local Authority 
  • Local schools and academies
  • Members of the local community

You can submit your comments by 5pm on Friday 24th January 2025 in the following ways:

Email: Send your comments to the following email address:

Post: Write to us at: FAO of Deputy CEO, Exceed Learning Partnership Trust, Childrens Centre, next door to Hill Top Academy, Edlington Lane, Edlington, Doncaster DN12 1PL

Please note that all written responses should include your name and relationship to any of the Trust academies. 

Consultation Period:

This consultation will run from Friday 25th October 2024 until 5pm Friday 24th January 2025

Next Steps:

Following the consultation period, all feedback will be carefully reviewed and considered. The final admission arrangements for 2026/2027 will be determined by the Trust's Board of Directors by 28th February 2025 and will be published on the Trust and academies website by 15th March 2025.

Contact Information:

If you have any questions about the consultation or the proposed admission arrangements, please email the Trust directly at: 

Written copies of the consultation documentation can be requested through calling the Trust Office on 01709 805175

We encourage you to participate in this consultation as we ensure our admissions arrangements are fair and transparent.

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